Atlantic Seaboard
Dyslexia Education Center
Academic Language Therapists
Monthly monthly and participate in rigorous coaching and mentoring support.
See the Certification Guidelines.
The fee is $350/month for a 12-month period.
Academic Language Therapy Certification Program
As an IMSLEC accredited training center, ASDEC certifies Academic Therapists in Sounds In Syllables, one of the most powerful Orton-Gillingham-based approaches to teaching reading (decoding, fluency, and comprehension), spelling, and the foundations of syntax and grammar. Experienced ASDEC faculty deliver in-depth training courses that prepare Academic Therapists to work one on one or in small groups with students.
Unlike many training programs that simply train in methodology, ASDEC interns learn and practice the multisensory language procedures in the Sounds In Syllables Curriculum.
Academic Therapists train for over two years at ASDEC to achieve national recognition as Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALT). The exam provides a measure of an individual’s knowledge of and skills in Multisensory Structured Language Education (MSLE) and verifies that the individual has achieved the highest level of competency in the field of dyslexia education. Nine standards are evaluated on the exam:
Knowledge of language development
Knowledge of the structure of the language
Knowledge of dyslexia, written language disorders, and other related disorders
Knowledge of psycho-educational tests and informal assessments -
Knowledge of diagnostic and prescriptive MSL strategies to improve reading, spelling, and written expression
Knowledge of relevant research in instructional practice
Knowledge of 504 and IDEA to guide professional conduct and advocacy for students
Knowledge of ethical standards of the profession
Awareness of effective professional written and oral communication with parents, colleagues, and other professionals.
Math Specialists
Monthly monthly and participate in rigorous coaching and mentoring support.
See the Certification Guidelines
The fee is $365/month for a 12-month period.
Multisensory Math Certification
Teaching Level Practitioner in Multisensory Math: Level 1
ASDEC’s teaching level certification in Multisensory Math is designed for educational professionals working with students in the classroom as well as those who work with students in small groups or one-to-one.
The Multisensory Math Program is an outgrowth of an effort to apply strategies from evidence based reading instruction to conceptually based mathematics instruction. It is truly Orton-Gillingham based math instruction.
While the methods were originally created to meet the needs of diverse learners, they do meet current evidence supporting instruction for all learners. In fact, more and more curricula suggest using manipulatives to guide concept development. The difference with this program is the emphasis on the instructional language. For some students, the language of instruction is the critical link to concept formation and the development of skills toward application. Multisensory Math Certification assures that teachers have mastered the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Instructional Sequence and explicit language to make math concepts memorable.
ASDEC is the only accredited training center in the nation that offers certification in Therapy and Practitioner Level Academic Language as well as Practitioner Level multisensory math. Our extensive cross-disciplinary professional development expertise assures deep skills-based training that benefits all learners but is essential for dyslexic students.
Accreditation through the International Multisensory Language Education Council (IMSLEC) ensures that teachers are receiving an approved curriculum that meets the needs of learners at all levels. In 2012, IMSLEC was one of two organizations in the US to receive the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) endorsement for meeting teacher training standards in reading. The IDA standards provide a comprehensive, research-supported documentation of what every teacher needs to know and be able to demonstrate, whether they are teaching students with dyslexia, other struggling readers, or the general student population (Interdys.org).
Ellen O'Neill
3500 East-West Highway
Suite 1418-177
Hyattsville, MD 20872
Refund Policy:
ASDEC Refund Policy
Courses: 50% if withdrawal is at least ten working days before the start of class. No refunds are available less than 10 days prior to the start of class.
If a course is sold out, ASDEC will not refund payment at any time.
Summer Program: We require a non-refundable deposit upon pre-registration and full payment when your child is accepted into the program. Refunds are not available if the summer program is full.